I made a mold that is more or less keychain sized out of the hard case from my Ipod Nano. It does have the grooves from where the two plastic pieces come together. I plan on sanding that down and making a more permanent mold out of the finished piece before I drill in the hole for the jump ring. This time the test will be on pictures. One set, the first keychain, will be sealed with ModgePodge. The second, smaller oval, will not be. One thing to note is that the paper these photos were printed on were done on my Polaroid Pogo Printer which uses Zink paper. This paper is heat responsive, meaning no actual ink. If this trial comes out it'll give a no glue sealing option to photographs. And since the size of the casting is small anyways, this works out great since the paper only comes in 2X3 size paper.
One other thing I was working on is sealing some more tatting with the glue. When I made a motif of tatting with UV resin, the lighter shade went transparent with the resin as it cured. I'm hoping that by sealing it, it will retain its true colors, as they are vibrant and beautiful.As you can see above the modge podge sealed picture came out somewhat washed-out. The smaller oval on the left was has no sealant. It came out with the colors more true to life. Now I have a new way to encase photographs or small graphics with no need to seal. The tatting also did not go transparent when I applied Modge Podge to it. Now I know what I did wrong when I did my first project, I didn't seal the tatting. I will have to do another test with the white flower in resin and see how that goes.
I decided to do a full puffy heart of this one. Primarily because the tatting stuck out past the edges of the pendant confines. The problem I'm having is joining the two halves together, I kept getting air bubbles between them. Those are next to impossible to pop since they do lay one on top of another. I'm going to try leveling out the top of the pendant and then recasting to get a doming effect.
Interesting results. Thanks for sharing.