August 24, 2014

A touch of play and fantasy

Back to shuttle making. This one I got carried away with the glitter. It is so easy to get carried away with glitter.  I added a regular sewing machine bobbin for a center post substitute. I don't know why, but making that center post seems to be the most draining of all stages of making these shuttles. It's not just that you have to get the dimensions correct, you have to make sure it can maintain the weight and balance of the overall piece. It's such a pain for what amounts to such a small piece of the overall project. At least I finally found the sizing of the shuttle that I wanted, between a SewMate and a Starlit shuttle! Now to begin with the many small motifs to begin embedding into them.

This is my final submission piece for Resin Crafts'  challenge. Originally I wanted to do a 3D magnolia with a small butterfly landing on one of it's petals. Unfortunately, I did not have the correct size doming mold to cast into. I do like the blue metallic thread I used to tat the butterfly. I think it ties the glitter together nicely. The red butterfly was actually supposed to be an orange butterfly. Even after sealing it, the resin turned it darker, so it gives off the appearance of red. It's been so long since I've working with embedding threads into resin, that I had forgotten that bit of info.

August 7, 2014

A challenge

A request was placed for a resin project to be created with some new bezels that have yet to hit the market. I wrote the person hosting it, and a few weeks later, I received my two bezels.
I want to add some tatting to it. I made a magnolia with a butterfly resting on it. I've made this particular combination before, and have never been able to set correctly. Here's hoping it works out this time, if not I can always paint the resin on to stiffen the lace.
Along with this particular project, I've also decided to make some tatting shuttles. I'm making one with Umbreon, Espeon and Evee. I think I've added too much glitter to it. I wanted the edges to be lined with glitter because the background of the pictures were white and stood out too much against clear resin. There's also a larger shuttle blade with a picture of Mulan, stainglass stylized fanart picture of her. On this particular blade the glitter did stay on the edges, more or less. There's also a key chain with the same stylized picture of Ezmeralda from The Hunchback of Nortredame.